
Frequently Asked Questions

Who enters the National Mature Media Awards?

Hundreds of local, state, and national organizations enter the annual competition. These include Area Agencies on Aging, senior centers, retirement housing organizations, hospitals and health systems, writers and publishers, AARP, Medicare health plans, the National Institute on Aging and organizations and companies that serve older adults.

How are the entries judged?

Entries will be judged by Division and Category. Using a rating scale of 1 to 100, a panel of national mature market experts will judge the entries based on format, content, creativity, relevance and overall quality. Judges’ scores will be totalled and averaged. Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Merit certificates may be awarded by Division and Category based on these averaged scores.

Not all entries receive awards—only entries that receive a minimum point score for a Gold, Silver, Bronze or Merit award receive prizes. All judges' decisions are final.

What do I receive if I win an award?

Winners will receive a colorful awards certificate, listing on the awards program website (select Gold and Silver winners will be featured), list of all winners, national publicity, and resources to promote your achievement, including a one-year license to use the official awards program logo.

Do you recognize new technologies for older adults?

Yes, but in a separate awards program. Please visit for details on our New Product & Technology Awards, which annually recognizes the world’s best technologies, products and services for older adults and their families.

I may be interested in serving as a judge. How do I apply?

You may fill out our judge application here.

Who organizes the National Mature Media Awards?

The Mature Media Awards is organized by the Mature Market Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for the older adult market.

Do you know of any other awards programs that I might be interested in entering?

Yes. We also organize the New Product & Technology Awards, which annually recognizes the world’s best technologies, products and services for older adults and their families. You may also be interested in the National Health Information Awards and the Digital Health Awards.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

For additional questions, click here or call us at 1-800-828-8225,
weekdays 8-5 Central time.

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